Hi, as you probably know, my name is Jay Rothenberger. I’m a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Oklahoma (OU) studying Computer Science under Dimitris Diochnos. I built this website in Django. If you want to look under the hood the code is all available on my Github account. If you find any vulnerabilities or poor practices, of which I am very confident there are multiple, I’d appreciate it if you sent me an email or a text about it. There are some of the Django production checklist items I have not done as I am not finished developing the application.

I am deeply passionate about Machine Learning, Machine Learning Security, and Data Science, but I am also interested in video game design, and naturally the intersection of any two of the three. My Github is a bit of a mess, but there are a lot of lines of code I have written available there. I'll be adding personal projects to my github and blog page as I complete them.

You can click my portrait to go to my Github